wGeneric Foo Blog Randomness
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wFriday, July 11, 2003

its always odd when you figure out that the reason you love some of the songs that are your favorites, because I am listening to some of my favorite cds right now, and I've just realized there is a common theme running through about 4 songs, and i think I know why that theme is relevant. You want to know, you say? Ha, well, I'll never tell you, because as anyone who knows me well knows, they may know me well but they don't know specific incidents because I don't tell them to people, as I am a pretty private person. Talked about this with Jeni the other night.

posted by Aaron at 11:52 AM

wThursday, July 10, 2003

belle and sebastian are, once again, rocking my world, albiet quietly and in a rather introverted manner. if i could recommend two of the tracks from the album i am listening to, they would definitely be "You're Just a Baby" and "I Don't Love Anyone"

posted by Aaron at 11:53 AM


The most embarrassed I've been in a while

ok, so this morning, after i come in late for work, I get a call on my cell phone from some 703 number. I've been getting a lot of Comcast telemarketers coming from 703 numbers I don't know, so I expected a telemarketer. Sure enough, the guy can't pronounce my name right and stumbles over it! I'm very rude to the guy, like "yeah, this is the person you want to talk to, hello? hello?" and then I found out it was my Japanese teacher, who had called to clarify something he said the night before about the difference between ga and wa! man, I felt so embarrassed. I was like, "I'm so sorry I was so rude to you" explained the whole telemarketer thing, and he seemed to get it. i still felt stupid, tho.

posted by Aaron at 11:02 AM

wWednesday, July 09, 2003

Sometimes you recognize the oddest things

Like I was looking through my archives, and I don't know, the stuff that is there just seems very immature, but at the same time, I don't really think I've gotten a lot older. I guess it just seemed odd to go through the archives; it was embarrassing, like when you hear your voice on a video or on a tape, and can recognize your voice, but you don't particularly like it because you don't think it's your own, when actually its more you than what you think.

posted by Aaron at 5:37 PM


Oh, since I usually show most people only one aspect of my personality, most of you don't realize this, but one of my favorite websites of all time had to undoubtedly be suck.com. In fact, sometimes I still like to run through the archives for a good time in terms of humor. Anyway, I found the blog of the woman who used to write the "Filler" Column every thursday! Her name is heather and I love the drawings they had for her cartoons, and I was very happy to find her website. it is connected through two websites:
The rabbit done died
named after a recurring suck column

btw, I got my new computer and am very much enamored of it. pretty HP. I also honestly like the fact i have an athlon as opposed to a pentium. I'm like that. I'm even considering switching to linux, tho honestly I don't know if it's worth it consdering I don't do any hardcore computing. Josh, if you're out there, can you help me out with that? I'm especially upset at how XP allows those stupid messenger popups. I'm sorry, but that is just plain shitty design, unless someone can justify it to me. Anyway, rabbit blog. yay.

posted by Aaron at 4:35 PM

wTuesday, July 08, 2003

oh, and by the way, i am totally looking forward to drinking in japan. good beer, mm mm good beer. I likes me some Kirin Ichiban! (which, for those who don't know japanese, means Kirin Number one Beer! Carissa would disagree, however, claiming that Asahi is number one, as that is what her father in Japan claimed. But I have never had Asahi, so I wouldn't really know)

posted by Aaron at 5:37 PM


have you noticed the code for blogger has changed? Now "b" for bold has changed to "strong". Very descriptive. Just sayin'

Anyway, I've realized the reason that I don't blog as much as I used to is not that less things are happening to me, but instead that I feel the need to censor myself more. I don't really know why, but that is the case. Anyway, I'm going to attempt to stop that. Of course, saying you're going to blog more is really the death knell of your blog. I thought Emily made a statement the other day that I've thought a lot of myself. She talked about how blogs are the most self absorbed, self-indulgent thing out there, and she said it with a definite note of derision. I totally agree; I think the whole blogging experience, for most people, is seeing how many people care about how your day went/your thoughts on the day's politics. I guess I don't see that as such a bad thing, however, I mean, everyone has to have their vanities, and if this is mine, I feel pretty cool about that. I mean, its certainly not hurting anyone.

In other news, we'll go to comments about physical stuff. The friday before last, I got my cartilage pierced again; however, this time I got an industrial in my right ear. This is a bar that goes through your upper ear through two places. It's pretty nifty; I think a good thing about it is that not a lot of people really notice it unless they look, but at the same time it is someting kinda unique. The most important thing, tho, is that I think it looks cool. Hurt like a bitch for the first few days, but it's calming down now. Forgot what a pain in the butt it is though to only sleep on one side of my head, especially as I've discovered that my natural sleeping position was sleeping on my right side, which I can't do anymore.

As for Japan stuff, well, I sent out my passport yesterday to get my visa on it, other than that, I need to figure out how I am getting back to stl for the last week here, thinking of flying more than getting a car now. either way, not exactly sure, and I need to start getting rid of/packing stuff. Also, this weekend I will have a car, as Eric is on vacation (or hell, to be more precise) and I will be taking care of his vehicle.

So let's see, I've done a little social commentary, given a slight update on personal news and physical appearance...what's left? Hmm, a little personal revelation that is just a little too revealing? eh, why not? The best part of my day, most of the time, is when I'm about to jump in the shower in the mornings, I look in the bathroom mirror, sey, "hey, you!" in my mind in a oh, yeah kinda way and jump in. I always feel a little better after that.

with that, hopefully I will blog again soon.

posted by Aaron at 3:33 PM